Movie Review: Deliver Us from Evil (2014)
As readers of mine may or may not be aware, I have an unrivalled
hatred for the “classic” that is The Exorcist. In my humblest of
opinions, the single worst “big” horror film ever spawned. That
does not make me completely averse to the Possession sub-genre. In
fact, The Devil Within proved to be very entertaining indeed but the
less said about The Last Exorcism and its unholy sequel the better!

With Deliver us from Evil, we have another slightly different
offering for the possession mould. If I knew nothing about the film
before watching it, I wouldn't be blamed for thinking I had just
started watching a crime thriller. In reality, that's not too far
from the truth. Eric Bana stars as New York Police Officer Sarchie
who along with his partner Butler, played by Joel McHale begin
investigating a strange series of events.
I have to make a special mention for Sean Harris who plays a
character called Santino. He is the main focus of the evil and cuts a
sinister figure on screen. I first saw Harris, who hails from
England, in a music video for the song Stop Me by Mark Ronson. His
role in Harry Brown alongside Michael Caine was brilliant and
apparently it was that role which made Derrickson cast him in this
film without even having an interview! *interesting wikipedia fact.
My Rating: 7
I would probably put Eric Bana in the bracket of “bigger”
Hollywood stars and it is nice to see some bigger names appearing in
these types of films instead of using them as a stepping stone to
something bigger.
The film carries its own pedigree, Directed by Scott Derrickson whose
previous film was the brilliant Sinister. Another bigger horror film
starring an established Hollywood actor (Ethan Hawke) and his
possession experience spans to the film prior to that, The Exorcism
of Emily Rose, which put a very enjoyable twist on the sub-genre.
When you stand back and take a look, Deliver us from Evil promises a
lot. The question is however... Does it work? Short answer, Yes. I
suppose I should talk about the film itself really, so here goes.

When a woman seemingly goes crazy and throws her infant son into the
lion enclosure at Brooklyn Zoo, the partners find themselves delving
deep into the depths of demonic possession. After being joined by
catholic priest and exorcist, Mendoza played by Edgar Ramirez,
Sarchie unravels a mystery which threatens to engulf even his own
At first, I was unsure how to take this film. The acting is certainly
of a high standard and the storyline is quite captivating but the way
its filmed made me feel that maybe the budget was slightly heavy on
the recruitment side. Its not terrible but it just didn't feel like a
Hollywood effort that one might expect from Derrickson. Not to
mention a production credit for Jerry Bruckheimer. Once I had got
used to the way it looked though, I was able to really sit back and
enjoy it.
I didn't know much about it before watching but I did remember seeing
a trailer for it a while back after one of the more creepy scenes
involving Sarchies' daughter and a stuffed owl!
All in all, Deliver us from Evil was fairly good. It didn't set the
world alight but the use of The Doors' songs certainly put a smile on
my face. One of my all time favourite bands and with the song People
are strange, really quite fitting!
After watching, I did a very small bit of research and I discovered
that the film is supposed to be based on real life events as detailed
in the book Beware the Night written by the real life Ralph
Sarchie. On further reading though, it doesn't actually use any of
the cases written by the NYPD officer turned demonologist.
Watch it, make of it what you will but hopefully, like me you will
find a fair amount of enjoyment in the whole experience.
Released: 2014

My Rating: 7