Movie Review: The Dyatlov Pass Incident (2013)
I picked this film up some time a go during one of my “customers
also bought” Amazon spending sprees. As with most, it arrived and
promptly founds itself placed neatly on my shelf to await such an
opportunity to grace my TV screen.
The film itself introduces us to Holly King, a student who has been
researching the incident. Her work has been rewarded by a grant in
order to allow continued research in mother Russia herself!
Co-Director Jenson, sound engineer Denise and “expert” climbers
J.P and Andy make up the rest of the group and after a small intro,
they set off on their adventure!
I have always found it difficult to critique films of any variety but
especially horror films. It takes a very special something for me to
dislike a film. I'm not the kind of person who says things like “seen
one seen them all” I would much rather just see what other film
makers can do with a similar premise. So with this film, despite it
basically being a love child of The Blair Witch Project and The
Chernobyl Diaries, there is nothing to dislike! Those are two of my
favourite films after all.
My Rating: 7.5
Having watched a trailer for a film called The Devils Pass, I went to
add it to my wish-list and was happy to learn that I already own it
only under a different name. So The Devils Pass or The Dyatlov Pass
Incident which ever you want to call it, was set off and I settled
down to enjoy.
I had already gathered from the trailer that I was once again
stepping into the world of the Found Footage variety. As someone who
is possibly in a small group of people who love found footage genre
no matter how it comes, I was looking forward to seeing what joy's
this attempt would bring.
We're given a very impressive back story and introduced to the main
characters who we'll be getting to know over the next 100 minutes or
so, immediately sucked in and liking what I was seeing.
The story of the original incident is really quite interesting. A
real incident that befouled a group of Russian skiers back in 1959.
The group led by Igor Dyatlov, were discovered in the snow at various
locations having mysteriously fled their camp site abruptly one
night. There must have been an immediate or sudden threat as some
were found barefoot. More intriguingly was the fact that even though
there was no sign of a struggle a couple of the ill fated group had
suffered serious injuries.
A twist I've always liked is when the film begins by telling us the
fate of the characters, it doesn't always work and sometimes it can
spoil a good film but when done correctly, it allows us to relax and
enjoy the film knowing that we are simply watching how events
unfolded in a very candid and somewhat voyeuristic way. Blair Witch
nailed it and this film gives it a pretty good go too!
As usual I'm not going into any more detail, I'm afraid if you want
to know what happened to them, you'll just have to watch the film. If
you do decide to watch it, you may, like me be pleasantly surprised.
A very well made and well acted film which will keep you gripped all
the way through. Even if one of those actors is Gemma Atkinson. A
very likeable and good actress who has the unfortunate stigma of
having starred in a British soap called Hollyoaks. Soap's are like
anti-television and something I have never really understood but then
I suppose you have to start somewhere, lets face it you, if you're
from Australia, chances are you started out in either Home and Away
or Neighbours! Maybe a few exceptions.... but not many! It doesn't
always work that way in the British isles however. I can't think of
too many successful transitions from Eastenders or Corrie to
Hollywood but what do I know?

Couple the back story being a true story along with my fascination
with Russia and its super secretive history, The Dyatlov Pass
Incident was fully enjoyable and one which I'm sure I'll watch again
and again. This genre of film is brilliant at hiding things in plain
sight and even as I watch The Blair Witch and Chernobyl Diaries
again, I still discover new things! After all, it usually takes at
least two viewings to take in all that there is to see! Or is that
just me?
Year Released: 2013

My Rating: 7.5